Our Service Standards

  • When you call us we shall answer the telephone within five rings, and provide an acceptable response within three contacts.
  • We shall acknowledge written requests within 5 days, and advise on when a client can expect a reply to their requests.
  • We shall deal with written requests within 21 days.
  • We shall pay our creditors within 30 days.
  • All procurement processes shall be transparent
  • All supply chain contract processes and documents shall be made available for scrutiny upon request.
  • We shall provide our clients with information booklets that contain telephone and fax numbers, and email details of all departmental offices and the relevant contact persons at information desks at all our offices.
  • We shall put up comprehensive and user friendly signage at all our offices with details of the location of buildings and directorates.
  • We shall publish the results of our performance against our standards each year in our annual reports.
  • We shall set up a Complaint, Compliments and Feedback mechanism, including consultative sessions and meetings with clients, and encourage clients to utilise this to provide us with comments and suggestions on how to constantly improve our service.
  • We shall put in place a monitoring and quality assurance mechanism to monitor and report on the quality of service against our service standards.
  • We shall abide by all the Batho Pele principles and visibly display the Batho Pele Call Centre, Presidential Hotline and Anti-Corruption Hotline telephone numbers.

Office Hours
07H30 – 13H00; 14H00 16H00, Monday to Friday

Mail Us

Department of Sport, Arts and Culture
Mervin Erlank Sports Precinct
10 Recreation Road
Private Bag X 5004

Contact Details

Contact telephone numbers
Tel:  066-489 9256. 
Fax: 053 807 4600
Email address: Dsacinfo@ncpg.gov.za