Corporate Services

Executive Manager

Mr. B Jacobs

Tel:053 807 4708
Fax:053 807 4600
Email:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



The sub-programme Corporate Services renders an internal and external communication and marketing services and is responsible for the overall administration of the Department which includes the Office of HOD, Financial Management, Strategic Management and Human Resources Management


To provide strategic direction for the Department as well as effective and efficient human resource management, financial management and general support services for the department.




  1. The management of the Human Resource Management and Development Services.  
  2. The management of Strategic Management services.
  3. The management of the Finacial Management Services.



Mail Us

Department of Sport, Arts and Culture
Mervin Erlank Sports Precinct
10 Recreation Road
Private Bag X 5004

Contact Details

Contact telephone numbers
Tel:  066-489 9256. 
Fax: 053 807 4600
Email address: